A Marriage Proposal at the Fairy Bridges

A Marriage Proposal At The Fairy Bridges

In 1862, John Butler Yeats came to Sligo to visit his friend from boarding school George Pollexfen. He met George’s sister Susan Mary and within a few days, he proposed when they took a day trip to the Fairy Bridges in Bundoran. The marriage took place a year later on the 10th of September 1863 in St John’s Church, Sligo. In celebration of the marriage as the Middleton & Pollexfen firm was the largest shipowners and the bride’s father William Pollexfen was a Member of the Trade Board, ships in the port were decorated with bunting, gun salutes were fired throughout the day and by night, the streets were illuminated by tar barrels set alight carried by large crowds through the streets. The staff of the shipping firm were provided with entertainment that evening to celebrate the occasion.